Raffaello-prisen fra Bologna, italiensk.

Litteratur: ART International Contemporary Magazine


Costanza Foundation InThe World.Madrid, Spanien.

Internationale priser Talent og fagfolk.

Internationale Ausstellung Zeitgenössischer Kunst.

Pris: Russo brødre, kunstpris.

Litteratur: De mest moderne og nutidige kunstnere

Segnalati Berlin.

International Award Dante Alighieri.

Pris: Galileo Galolei Prize International.


Litteratur: De mest moderne og nutidige kunstnere.

Indspillet i Mondial Art Academia med titlen Akademiker Knight.

Litteratur: Inspiration International Art Book 2016 UK.

Repræsenteret på Haegeumgang Theme Museum i Sydkorea.

Grand Budapest Art Show, Faur Zsófi Galéria Budapest, Ungarn.

Pris: "Minerva Price" Italien.

Pris: "Shakspere Art Prize Internatinal."

Litteratur: Art International Contemporary.

Litteratur: Effetto Arts


Litteratur: Effetto Arts

Pris: Michelangelo Internatinal Prize - Kunstner ved jubilæet

Litteratur: Den bedste moderne og nutidige kunstner

Château des Péres, Frankrig

Litteratur: Bag Masken

Bienal de Arte Barcelona, Spanien.

Biennale Internazionale d'Arte, Palermo, Italien

Firenze Biennalen, Firenze, Italien.

Pris: "Sandro Botticelli Prize" For den originale stilistik, Firenze, Italien.


Château des Lzards Coulounieix-hamiers, Frankrig.

Château d'abbeville, Abbeville, Frankrig.

Europæisk biennalen Paris, Frankrig.

Pris: "For kunstnerisk talent kommer ud af hans prestigefyldte værker"

Kunstnerisk begivenhed; "Maltas riddere".

Pris: "Per il suo elevato valore stilistico"

Kunstnerisk begivenhed "Knights of Malta"

Galerie Thuillier, Paris, Frankrig.

Arts en Girouette, Houplin-Ancoisne, Frankrig.

Litteratur: De bedste moderne og samtidige kunstnere.

Museum for moderne og samtidskunst i Monreale på Sicilien, Italien

Pris: "Sølvmedalje."

Biennale della Creatività, Verona, Italien.

Litteratur: Hidden Treasure Art Magazine, Storbritannien.


Artmoney- Nyw York, USA.

Citadellet Sisteron, Frankrig.

Skulpturhave, Bedsted Thy. Danmark.

Vinderød Kirkegård. Danmark.

Nuuk Kunstmuseum, Grønland.

Fremragende METAL Frederiksværk Danmark.

Skulpturhave, Bedsted Thy. Danmark

Vinderød Kirkegård Skulpturer Danmark.

Litteratur: Segnalati, Italien.


Société Nationale des Beaux Arts, Carrousel du Louvre, Frankrig.

6. International Printmaking Biennalen i Dourro, Portugal.

Salon de Peinture et Sculpture, Criel-Sur-Mer, Frankrig.

44. Salon Peienture et Sculpture, Manoir de Briancon, Frankrig.

Litteratur: "Artistas de nuestro Tiempo", Spanien.

Skulpturhaven, Bedsted Thy, Danmark.

Litteratur: "Creative Genius, London, England"

Galeri Thuillier, Paris, Frankrig.

Artistas de Nuestro Tiempo, Barselona, Spanien.

Litteratur: "Featured Artists Vol III, " USA.


Skulpturhaven, Bedsted Thy. Danmark.

Galeri Thuillier, Paris, Frankrig.

Artistas de Nuestro Tiempo, Barselona, Spanien.

Litteratur: "Featured Artists Vol III, USA.

Société Nationale des Beaux Arts, Carrousel du Louvre, Frankrig.

135 kunstnere fra 74 lande mødes på frimærket. Tyskland.

Kromeriz Slot, Tjekkiet.

Cork Vision Center, Irland. "Seperatudstilling"

Hædret som årets danske ejendomsmæglere


Société Nationale des Beaux Arts, Carrousel du Louvre, Frankrig.

Litteratur: International Contemporart Artists, USA.

Francouzský institut v Praze, Republikken, Republikken Tjekkiet.

Arts en Girouette, Jardine de Brocéliande, France.

Foldevæg /Paravents. Manoir de Réaumur, France.

Arts en Girouette, Bréal-sous-Montfort, France.

Château de Gizeux. Gizeux, France.

Centro diffusione arte, Galleria Torino, Italy

The Jolly Madison Hotel, New York, USA.


Societé Nationale des Beaux Arts, Carrousel du Louvre, Frankrig.

24. Biennalede peinture et sculpture, Loudun, France.

Espace Culturel - Hôtel Boston, Saragosse, Spanien.

ATELIER 109, Cannes, Frence.

13. Salon St.Tropez. France.

Prix: "Federation Nationale de la Culture Francaise Medaille D Or."

Prenez l'airavec les girouettes au Château Revau, France.

Culture house, Madona, Estonia.

8TH WORLD ART miniprint. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Member of Visual Art's Federal Sweden.


Sociéte Nationale des Beaux Arts Salon. Louvre Paris, la France.

Gallery Sigvardson, Rødby, Denmark.

Galerie Thuillier, Paris, France.

Asociación cultural, Granada, Spain.

Rainis Haus, Daugavpil, Letland.

7TH WORLD ART miniprint. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Prenez l'airavec les girouettes au Manio de Réaumur, France.

Culture departments Sillamäe, Ida-Virumaa, Estland.

Culture house Jõhvi, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia.

Culture house Kloostri Ait, Tallinn, Estonia.

Culture house, Latvija, Latvia.

54. Salon Les Amis ses Arts, Chavanoz, France.

Prix: "Diplome of Honor" 6eme.

Internationale Grafik Arts Salon, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Masion de la Culture Famenne-Ardenne, France.


Kloostri Ait, Tallinn, Estonia.

Kultur Center, Türi, Estonia.

Culture house Orissaare, Saaremaa, Estonia.

The Danis Kulturinstitut, Tallinn, Estonia.

Salon Beaux-Arts de Luèce, Paris, France.

11th. D'art Contemporain du Château de Aaint-Auvent, France.

Arts & Music Festival, Winfield, England.

11th Salon Of Modern ART Château, Sasint-Auvent, France.

Galleri Thuillier, Paris, France.

Litteratur: International encyclopaedic of modern art, Italy.

The Danish Cultural Institute, Brussels.

Frederikshavn ArtMuseum, Denmark.

27. Mini Grafik Internationale. Cadaqués, Spanien.

8. International Biennial. Gabrovo, Bulgaria.

7th. Symposium de la forge Européenne, Saffre, France.


The National Society des Beaux Arts Salon. Louvre Paris, France

8th Biennale Sculpture Animalière. Rambouillet, France.

6th. Symposium de la Forge Européenne, Saffre, France.

The International Painting Salon Maramures, Rumania.

8th Biennale Sculpture Animalière. Rambouillet, France.

Jardin du Vent. Nortre Dame de Monts. France.


The National Society des Beaux Arts Salon. Louvre Paris, France

National Museum Tetovo, Macedonia.

36th Salon Grand Concurance International. Paris, France.

Prix: "Silver Medal."

33th Salon International. Revin, France.

Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway.

51éme Salon Peinteres & Sculptures. Pont de Cheruy. France.

4the lessedra World Art Print annual mini print. Sofia, Bulgaria.

The National Federation of the French Culture. France.

Prix: "Silver Medal."

Gerardo Martinez State School, La Mancha, Spain.


The National Society des Beaux Arts Salon. Louvre Paris, France

35th Salon Grand Concurance International. Paris, France.

Prix: "Silver Medal."

Gallery Kehrle, Karlsrühe, Germany.

Le Château Brandon Cadillac, France.

Galerie Anders Hus, Paris, France.

Legta Bel Air, Fontenay le Comte, France

Gallery Art Present, Paris, France


The National Society des Beaux Arts Salon. Louvre Paris, France

11th Internationale Biennale De Sarlles- Val de France.

31th Salon international du Val D'or, France.

Le Château Montsoreau, France.

21th Biennale of Painting-Sculpture, Loudun, France.

31th Salon International. Revin, France.

34th Salon Grand Concurance International. Paris, France.

Prix: "Silver Medal."

Louisiana, Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark.

International Small Engraving Salon. Maramures, Romania.

42th Salon Mediterranéen Art. Porte de Bouc, France.

6 International Biennial, Gabrovo, Bulgaria.

4rd Egyptian International Print Triennale, Cairo, Egypt.

Journey and study visit to Paris, France.


The National Society des Beaux Arts Salon. Louvre Paris, France

Literature: World of ART.

The Art Fair Shanghai.

Literature: 1001 REASONS to love the EARTH.

Arts & Music Festival, Winfield, England.

Galleri L’Etang Art Bages, France.

30th Salon International. Revin, France.

Prix: "Bronze Medal"

33th Salon Grand Concurance International. Paris, France.

Prix: "Gold Medal"

International Mini-Print Trienniale. Tokyo, Japan.

22th Mini Print International. Cadaqué, Spain.

International Small Engraving Salon. Maramures, Romania.

Galleri Art J.Goupil, Alenco, France.

10th Art Biennale. Marennes, France.

6th International Graphic Art. Stockholm, Sweden.

41th Salon Mediterranéen Art. Porte de Bouc, France.


33rd Grand prix of Paintings. Carry-le-Rouet, France.

47th Salon The Friends of Art. Pont de Cheruy, France.

The National Society des Beaux Arts Salon. Louvre Paris, France

21th Mini Print International. Cadaqués, Spain.

International Small Engraving Salon. Maramures, Romania.

International Print Triennial. Kanagawa, Japan.

Arts & Music Festival, Winfield, England.

Galleri L’Etang Art Bages, France.

10 Th Biennial in Paintig ant Sculpture, Saint-Croiw, France.

32th Salon Grand Concurance Paris, France.

Prix: "Gold Medal."

Galleri Art J. Goupil, Alenco, France.

Salon Autoemne International, Lunéville, France.


40th Salon of Plastic Art, Port-de Boue, France.

10th. International Print Biennale. Varna, Bulgaria.

46th Salon The Friends of Art. Pont-de-Cheruy, France.

10th Salon International d'Art Musique. Angers, France.

The National Federation of the French Culture. France.

Prix: "The Golden Canvas"

5th Biennale Sculpture Animalière. Rambouillet, France.

36th Salon Painting-sculptures. De Saint-Ouen, France.

17th Salon International of free Art. Vitry le Francois, France.

1999. Prix. Gold Plaquette

The National Society des Beaux-Arts Salon. Louvre Paris, France.

9th Biennale des Arts Plastic. Marennes, France.

3rd. International Triennale of Graphic Art. Bitola, Macedonia.

10th Salon of International Arts Plastic. Dreux, France.

International Small Engraving Salon. Maraures, Romania.

12th Salon of Paintings. Thorigné-Foullard, France.

28th Salon International. Revin, France.


Appointed for Knight of the Academy of Verbano.

Vinzaglio, Italy.

30th Grand Concours International. Paris, France.

Prix: "Gold Medal avec

Fèlicitationes du Jury et Prix pour làcylique"

22nd Rencontre d'Art Plastic, Châtou-Arnoux, France.

9th Salon of Plastic Art, Ville de Dreux, France.

27th Salon International, Revin, France.

39th Salon of Plastic Art. Pont-de-Bouc, France.

19th. Mini Print International. Cadaquès, Spain.

Accepted in the Federation National of the French Culture.

9th Salon International d'Art Musique. Angers, France.

3rd Egyptian International Print Triennale, Cairo, Egypt.

36th Salon de Saint-Ouen, Château de Saint-Ouen, France.

11th Salon de Painting-Sculpture, Thorigné-Fouillard, France.

16th Salon International Free Art. Vitry le Francois, France.

Prix: "Plaquette de Bronze"

The National Society des Beaux-Arts Salon. Louvre Paris, France.


22nd Salon Artistic. Descartes, France.

19th Internationale Exhibition of Prints. Kanagawa, Japan.

38th Salon des Art Plastic. Port-de-Bouc, France.

47th Salon de Painting. Maillot, France.

47th Salon des Beaux Art. Saint-Omer, France.

8th Biennale of de Sculpture, The Art Center. Briancon, France.

The Krpan Galery. Cerknica, Slovenia.

8th Salon International d'Art Musique. Angers, France.

The Gallery Post, France.

14th Salon National des Metiers d'Art. Aix, France.

15th Salon International of Free Art. Vitry le Francois, France

Prix: "Diploma of Honor"

Litteratur: Academy International of Lutèce

Gold book of 30 years. France.

47th Salon of paintings for Friends of Art. Sens, France.

44th Salon The friends of Art. Pont-de Cheruy, France.

29th Grand Concours International. Paris, France.

Prix: "Gold Medal"

International Mini-Print Trienniale. Tokyo, Japan.

26th Salon International. Revin, France.

Foire the Art. Los Angeles, USA.

Prix: "Price of the Public"

Ars Novi. Wismar, Germany.

Accepted in the National Society des Beaux Arts. Paris, France.

21st Rencontre d'Art Plastic. Cháteau-Arnoux, France.


New Art from the Old World. Washington, DC USA.

28th Grand Councurs International. Paris, France.

Prix: "Silver Medal"

43rd Salon The Friends of Art. Pont-de-Cheruy, France.

Prix: "The price from the Society"

9th. International Print Biennal. Varna, Bulgaria.

37th Salon des Artplastiques. Port-de-Bouc, Franc.

International Print Triennial. Cracow, Poland.

18th Salon International Artistic. Haute-Loire, France.

36th Salon Arts. Pont-de-Cheruy.

7th Salon International d'Art la Musique. Angers, France.

Literature: The Gallery Post, France.

25th Salon International. Revin, France.

Prix: Artistic Price"

19th International Exhibition of Prints. Kanagawa, Japan.


36th Salon Mediterraneen des Art. Port-deBouc, France.

Prix. "Mention du Jury"

24th Exposition du Salon Artistic. Cognac, France.

27th Grand Concurs International. Paris, France.

The Havstad Gallery. Drøbak, Norway.

24th Salon International. Revin, France.

4th Biennale of Graphic Art. Beograd, Yugoslavia.

47th Salon Painting-Sculpture. Bourgoin-Sailliev, France.

International Biennale Exhibition of Prints. Macedonian.

Literature: The Universe of Arts, Artistic

Information Magazine. France.

20th Biennale de Paintings. Bauge, France.

Accepted at the International Academy of Lutèce. Paris, France.

27th Grand prix de Painting. Carry-le-Rouet, France.

Prix: "Gold Medal"

Appointed Prof. at the Academy of Verbano. Vinsaglio, Italy.


40th Salon Art. Deuil-la-Barre, France.

21st Biennal of Graphic Art. Ljubljane, Slovenia.

46th Salon Painting. Bourgoin-Jallieu, France.

23rd Exposition du Salon Artistic. Congnac, France.

35th Salon Mediterraneen des Art. Port-de-Bouc, France.

Prix: "Medaille offert par le

Président du conseil Géneral des Bouches-du-Rhône"

41st Salon The Friends of Arts. Pont-de-Chrruy, France.

The courthouse/The town hall. Odda, Norway.

46th Salon de Painting - Sculpture. Bourgoin-Jallieu, France.

11th Salon National Artistic Center. Aix, France.

18th International Exhibition of Prints. Kanagawa, Japan.


7th Salon Artistic. Saint Georges Sur Moulon, France.

6th Biennale de Sculpture Centre d'Art. Briancon, France.

1st Salon National Art Center Cultural. Franconoville, France.

22nd Exposition du Salon Artistic. Cognac, France.

Study visit: New Light Studio. Beloit, Wisconsin, USA.

34th Salon Mediterraneen Arts. Port-de-Bouc, France.

Prix: "Diplome of Honor"

10th Salon Art National. Aix, France.

Prix: "Prix Public"

40th Salon The Friends of Arts. Pont-de-Cheruy, France.


1st. International Mini Print Exhibition. Maribor, Slovenia.

Traveling exhibition in Norway.

The Nippan Gallery. Klippan, Sweden.

39th Salon International Painting-Sculpture. Thuras, France.

26th Salon Recontres. Mantes-la-Jolie, France.

Furuboda Kursgård. Sweden.


38th Salon International Painting-Sculpture. Thuras, France.

Literature: Elwi Arts Bookplates Society, Sweden.

Study visit: Foundation Valpariso, Mojacar, Spain.

Gallery La Petite d'Art. Maquixanes, France.

Decoration at the Place La Petite. Maquixanes, France.

17th International Exhibition of Prints. Kanagawa, Japan.

38th Salon International Painting-Sculpture. Thuras, France.

Literature: Elwi Arts Bookplates Society, Sweden.

Study visit: Foundation Valpariso, Mojacar, Spain.

Gallery La Petite d'Art. Maquixanes, France.

Decoration at the Place La Petite. Maquixanes, France.

17th International Exhibition of Prints. Kanagawa, Japan.


37th Salon International Painting-Sculpture. Thuars, France.

Prix: "The most original"

Represented at the National Gallery. Oslo, Norway.

Literature: Elwi Arts Bookplates Society, Sweden.


Literature: Elwi Arts Bookplates Society, Sweden.

Traveling exhibition. Sweden.


Traveling exhibition. USSR.

Represented at the Art Museum. Vologda, Russia.


The Kock Gallery. Stenungsund, Sweden.

Journey and study visit to Rome, Italy.


Journey and study visit to Paris, France.

Exhibited and sold from the following galleries and art societies in Denmark:

The Private Bank. The Betlehem Church, Copenhagen. Ågallery, Frederiksværk. Handelsbanken. Faxe

Kalk. KTAS. The library in Rønde. The Bakkegården Gallery, Vejby DAB. Dansk Metalarbejderforbund.

SAS. The art society of Skævinge. The Ærø Gallery, Ærøskøbing. The Hospital in Haderslev. FFE A/S. ISS

A/S. Nordisk Elektronik A/S. NVE. Nunc A/S. Dansk Standard. The art society in Hundested. Utrecht. Sadolin

A/S. The Norwegian church for sailors in Copenhagen. RIAS A/S. B & O, Strue. Rigshospitalet. Carlsberg.

Statoil A/S. The Gallery East in Vest. Olsen´s Art gallery, Tisvildeleje. A/S Dansk Shell. PFA. Pension. The

folk high school "Rødkilde", Møn. The hospital "Dybendal", Frederiksund. P&T. BBS & GI. FOA. The

Gallery Shop, Odder. The continuation school in Mellerup. The hospital in Køge. S.B.N. Ø.K. Carl Bro

Gruppen A/S. Amtsgården Hillerød. ABB Industri. Messecenreret, Herning. Holmegaards Glasværk A/S.

Levnedsmiddelskolen, Svendborg. Stavnsholtskirken Farum. The National Bank. Jernets

Arbejdsgiverforening. Sundhedshøjskolen, Diget Ålbæk. Alfred Benzon. The art society in Birkerød. Larsen

& Nielsen A/S. The folk high school of gymnastics in Viborg. APV Anhydro. UNI-C. A/S Brødrene Westrup.

Statens Serum Institut. Rambøl, Hanemann & Højlunde A/S. The central hospital in Slagelse. Dansk

Tipstjeneste. The art society in Næstved. The town hall in Odense. S.K.F. The NB Gallery, Viborg. The

Ravnsager Gallery, Hedehusene. Arbejdsmiljøinstitutet. Q8. Trane & Trane. The central hospital in

Nykøbing F. The dairy of Østby, Skibby. The Art society in Allerød. Force Instituterne. The art house,

Skovby. Marienlyst, Helsingør. Kongrescenteret, Herning. Lindevang, Helsingør. Semco A/S. Kommunernes

Landsforening. The Sonne Gallery, Holstebro. Heto Holten A/S. Revisorfirmaet Leo Olsen, Odense. Gallery

Die Werkstatt, Copenhagen. The town hall in Faxe. GN Netcom. SCA. Kunst i Brande. The art house in

Helsinge. Dansk Beklædning & Tekstilarbejderforbund. Ludvig og Hermansen. Forbrugerstyrelsen.

Bodenhoff A/S. Boligselskabernes Hus. Lundbæk A/S. Vingaarden, Odense. Superfos A/S. The hospital in

Glostrup. The Invisa Gallery, Rågeleje. Kulstof 92, Copenhagen. Gjethuset, Frederiksværk. Told &

Skattestyrelsen i Ballerup and Copenhagen. V. Løwner A/S. Pakhusgalleriet, Slagelse. Lyre & Valbo

Reklamebureau. NCR Corporation. Gallery en Garde, Århus. VUC Nordvest. GN Netcom. Gallery da Winti,

Roslerv. Radio Meter. Toms Chokolade. Dansk Røde Korse. Employers R.E. The hospital in Roskilde. CAP

Progamator. I/S Vestforbrænding Foss Elektric. Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen. The town hall in Slangerup.

Roulund A/S. Veterinær & Fødevaredirektoratet. Danmarks Lærerhøjskole. Socialdemokratiet. Jyllands

Posten. Galleri Luna Kbh. Gallery Hennig, Hellerup. Faxe Bryggeri A/S. Amtsgården i Århus. Nykredit.

Tandem Computer. Nobel A/S. Gallery Nybro, Copenhagen. J. Lauritsen A/S. Cowi A/S Århus. Brøndsalen,

Frederiksberg. The hospital in Skejby. Vingaarden, Odense. The central hospital in Esbjerg. Trekroner

Forsikring. Navision Software A/S. Ferrosan A/S. Junckers Industrier. Akzo Widew. Teknos Schou A/S.

Frederikssund Rådhus. Forenede Gruppeliv, Copenhagen. The high school in Haslev. Omsorgscenteret

Kildegården Søborg. Tuborg Fredericia Bryggeri A/S. The art society in Vallensbæk. Brødrene Hartmann.

Forsvarets Kunstcirkel. Kolding Kommune. Price Waterhouse Coopers. Færgeresturanternes

Kunstforening, Helsingør. Purup-Eskofot A/S. Det Danske Handelskammer. Kirke Sonnerup Gallery and Art

work. Den Sociale Ankestyrelse. Mantziusgården Birkerød. FLS Automation A/S. DGI-Byen, Copenhagen.

Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut. Gefion, Hillerød. The art gallery of Horsens. The art society in Stevns. The

central hospital in Næstved. Hvalsø Kommune. The culture center in Vedbæk. Medecottest A/S. The house of

Insurance Copenhagen. The university of Aarhus. Kursi Copenhagen. Galleri Lippert, Taastrup. Grant

Thornton, Copenhagen.

Other activities in Denmark


Dansk Saneringsselskab A/S, Copenhagen. 1988.

SIS International A/S, Helsinge. 1988.

The Private School in Helsinge. 1988-94.

The Stavnsholt School, Farum. 1989.

Frederiksværk Kommune 1989.

Kregme School, Frederiksværk. 1990.

The folk high school of sport in Viborg. 1990.

Danish Steel Works, Frederiksværk. 1990.

AMU-Centeret, Frederiksborg Amt. 1990.

Nordisk Staal A/S, Frederiksværk. 1994.

The Magleblik School, Frederiksværk. 1994.

The Church in Vinderød. 1994.

The Vadgård school, Søborg. 1994.

"Gate of transformation" in Frederiksværk. 1994.

Vejdirektoratet, Copenhagen. 1996.

Rendbjerghjemmet, Sønderjyllands Amt. 1996.

The culture house in Alsønderup, Hillerød. 1998.

Hedegaarden, Rodekersbro. 2002.

Liseleje "Gates" 2002.

The folk high school of sport in Gerlev. 2004.

DanSteel A/S Frederiksværk. 2006.

Mentioned in the following selected publications:

Danish Art, 1990-2005.

In Soviet traveling with Next Stop.1990

Guinness Book of Records. (The Danish version)1993

Art on the Wall. 1993

The Art Encyclopedia of Weilbach.1999

Elwi Arts bogpladeselskab, Sverige. 1990-92

Galleri Magasinet, Frankrig. 1997-99

Det Internationale Akademi i Lutetia. Frankrig. 1998

1001 grunde til at elske verden. DE FORENEDE STATER. 2002

Kunstens verden. England. 2002

Mine mange maleriske møder. 2006

Enciclopedico Internazionale d'Arte Moderna Italien. 2007

Det skjulte sprog, hvad flankerne siger. 2008

101 Kunstner. 2009

GALLERI Et tidsbillede af dansk kunst. 2010-12

Internationale samtidskunstnere. DE FORENEDE STATER. 2010-12

International Dictionary of Artists Vol 1. DE FORENEDE STATER. 2011

Moderne skærme. Frankrig 2011

Udvalgte KUNSTNERE vol 3.USA. 2012

Kreativ GENIUS og ART International. England. 2012

Artistas de nuestro tiempo. Spanien. 2012

International Contemporary Masters 6 USA. 2012

Segnalati, Italien. 2013 Artisti Internazionali, Italien. 2013

Vigtig Verden Artidts Vold.1. DE FORENEDE STATER. 2013

GAL ART Diccionatio, Spanien. 2013

De bedste moderne og samtidige kunstnere, Italien. 2014

International Art Heute, Tyskland. 2014

Illustrationer til:

Forskellige magasiner i Danmark.



Dit Nordsjælland.

Turisten i Frederiksværk.

Vinmærket til årets vin 2000, Kvickly.




JOB, Zig-Zag, ENE, ØJE, YDE, CIS, & ÅRE.

Museer i Danmark:

Kunst- og ex libris-museet i Frederikshavn.

Museet "Musikhistorie", København.

Modtaget støtte fra følgende stipendier:

Stipendiet til Wilhelm og Beb Tegners.

Stipendiet til K.A. Larssen og hans hustru L.M. Larssen.

Hede Nielsen-familiens legat.

Ludvig Preetzmann-Aggerholms Stiftelses legat.

Stipendiet til Kulturelt samråd Frederiksværk.